Principle of shim moo do(shimmudo, simmudo)


Principle of shim moo do(shimmudo, simmudo)

Leave the real-life martial art of standing or sitting or lying down appearance and behavior is so laid or the day walking (or jump), or will roll. Martial arts is no different. After all, these real-life martial art of self is the process in motion. However, It is the established principle and the opponent is. The core Martial jangbeop (掌法, palm strike) on the basis of the footwork, the new law, and various laws and bongbeop(stick martial arts), and a vast variety of subjects ranging from geombeop(swordsmanship) system consists of scientific principles. Vast amounts of martial arts techniques and dense core organizing principle...

Vast amounts of martial arts techniques and dense core organizing principle of the martial arts experience accumulated through a long period of time, an amazing product that will be able to see that. Looking at the core jangbeop learn martial arts for the first time in two basic principles of martial arts, which can identify the most important thing in jangbeop(palm strike) principle is to use the elbow. For the elbows naturally shouting or African chapter neunde seemingly soft but represents. 

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